Thursday, September 2, 2010

RomanZzzzz...!!! @ 8

Yess!! Romance is the word.
Untested, obviously not unheard.

Lemmi test it now, “literally”.
Adrenaline , come on! Flow liberally.

I need you now,
where do I start and how ?

A soft kiss or cuddle..?
Nah..!! Don’t wanna be a muggle.

Forget about the kiss of France.
I’ll try some magical romance.

This is where the fun begins.
Coz I really don’t know what it means (magical).

Enough.! Now jokes apart,
We sat on a cushion but 6 feet apart.

Hmm ;-) I’m trying it now.
“Abracadabra…Close your eyes, can you feel the love..?

She sunk in and asked “Yessss.!! But isn’t this illogical.??”
I had told her before, “it was magical”

Need a difference. I shouted “Don’t follow the herd”.
Coz I wanted to do something unheard.

She’s restless, pulled me close for the logical.
I was not seeing anything physiological..!!

She locked me close with her arm.
Oooooo..!! Am I having fever.? Ohh she is warm.!!

Stop.! I said, this is boring, this is what everyone does.
Didn’t want to travel in the same bus.

She showed her capacitance,
N I held up my resistence.

She attacked like a hungry shark
Now my spells didn’t work.

I shouted “please do no harm”.
Up on the bed, damn! It’s the alarm.

Gone is the night (Fright).
Got a message – We have class at 8 ;-)



  1. Awsome !!. . Only v can understand the true feelings of the last line . . ;)

  2. Nice one! Liked it. Hope you can review my blog by commenting on my posts :)

  3. awesumm stuff apoorva bhai :) Real magic n real romantic.. The lines keep you hooked to read what wl happen next n let me tell u dat its d 1st time evr in my life that i've seen such a gud mix of storytelling and poetry!!! Kudos bro!! Keep rocking :)


Hey, did you just want to say something?