Thursday, March 20, 2014


Yes, they were indeed flowers,
But without any colors.

They were afraid of the raging sun 
And those rays which looked like a gun.

They feared his monopoly and powers.
Afterall they were just flowers          .

They turned their faces away from him.
Just waiting to escape from the burning brim.

Some were in confusion still.
They knew that they can’t just kill.

Very few decided to stand up and block him with all their might.
They tried to hold the sun with their arms, tight.

Some even poked him in the centre – bright.
Behind them they wanted to ‘create’ a night!
but before the sun was out of sight.

I’ve no idea who’s right.
And I don’t have a camera which works in the night…!!

(Shot on 20/02/2012 @ SSMC Campus, Tumkur)